Monday, April 20, 2009

Taiwan and Thoughts

Hello from Taiwan!

I haven't been writing much because my mind is a bit overwhelmed. My mind is whirling in circles with completely different emotions than I have had before for the past 4 months. The last 4 months consisted of freedom, happy thoughts (most of the time), meeting amazing people, experiencing amazing food and amazing culture and just dancing thru life with laughter and luck. Not to say I didn't experience a little culture shock, lonliness and just the need to see friends and family but I have reached the climax of complete culture shock! I say this with a smile but up until today I didn't even want to write about what I have been going thru. I'm painting a dark picture so allow me to explain and I will always try to find the beauty no matter what situation.

I told myself that I wasn't making any promises to myself or others. If for some reason my heart is not content wherever my wings land then there is always a possibility of flying home..:) However, most of you know, Jenna doesn't give up easy no matter what situation life brings. So with all that said don't worry, not coming home yet and not a complete whimp. Yunalin is the complete opposite from where my life has been for 14 years in the mountains. When I say opposite, I mean night and day, black and white, vanilla ice cream / chocolate ice cream.....:) get what I'm throwing down? Architecture very ugly, a lot of pollution (yummy), fruit and vegetables loaded with pesticides, a lot of trash hanging out, only one yoga place, no one speaks English (very few at least), all signs and menus in Chinese and without a scooter (I don't have one yet) you have no freedom or a way out of this small city / town. And so, I have analyzed my situation a bit and wonder why I take on such a challenge. You know one of the sayings with the Peace Core is "the toughest job you will ever love"...I'm starting to relate with that saying. :) I have no doubt that this experience will enrich me beyond belief and when I write my blog 6mo from now it will be interesting to compare. I do believe there is beauty in everything to a certain extent so I will challenge myself to find that and also remember how thankful I am to have a home in the mountains (well I don't have an actual home but.,.....) with beautiful friends and family. I can smell the fresh air, the greeness in the middle of summer, the flowing river which is protected from trash, the beautiful organic vegies / fruits and all the freedom that comes with speaking the language.

I did go to one class the other night and the students seemed to gravitate towards me. I think they were scared to death to see who the next teacher was. That have it easy with me!...:) They were 7th and 8th graders and seemed to know English fairly well. I also had one lady come yelling out of a restaurant and asked to teach her 3 year old....hmmmm this should be interesting. She was so adorable and I will look forward to that, I think but not quite sure how to teach a 3 year old. Privates pay fairly well though so, I'm hoping to get a few more, we will see. Starting to meet other foreigners but there are not many and most of them are really young. I'm hoping to connect with some teachers somewhat close to my age....;)

I will start training for the Dragon Races coming up soon in May. I guess we have a team and it's like a canoe or some type of boat and I will be a paddler...:) Anything to keep me exercising. I also have already looked into Kun Fu....:) so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I somehow finally purchased a phone while doing it all in chinese and found the courage to to order food and a yummy tea. Along the way I ran into a puppet show in the rain and took a break while I listened to the puppet actor. Have no idea what they were saying but got the picture...:)

Tomorrow I will head out on the train to travel South. Going to a place called Kenting on the beach for 6-7 days. Once I get back I will be diving in to the land of teaching English!

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