Thursday, February 12, 2009

Future Elephant Friends and Grammar

Ok, starting to get used to the Asian culture. I'm so used to the Spanish culture with traveling that I think internally I was having a bit of "culture shock". Asia is very different and when you don't know the language at all it can really be interesting. There are parts of Chiang Mai where everyone speaks English but I happen to be in the part of town that most restaurants don't have menus in English and nor does anyone speak English (I'm sure they do but they choose not to). All the internet cafes are full of students obsessed with playing video games 24/7....I mean there are HUGE internet cafes here with recliner chairs (orange and blue) and they are all's amazing!!!!!! So, calling from one of these internet cafes can be somewhat annoying with the cheering going on in the background but funny.

School has been this week nothing but kraming everything you ever wanted to know about grammar and quite possibly, a lot of stuff you don't care to know or understand. Our brains were like melted butter at the end of the day but trying to stay focused because 40% of our grade is the test on grammer.................hmmmmm Good thing I'm so good at taking tests...HA! However today we did nothing but play games, fun learning activities or ideas for being a teacher our poor little brains had a break. Next week we will teach a total of 4 classes each. Next week they consider the hell week because learning each model of teaching and then preparing a lesson means you won't have much sleep next week.

I did find a great yoga studio finally which gave me relief. It's called the Wild Rose Sauna. It's a cute and peaceful little abode and ironically I knew the girl teaching when I went (small world eh?). Tomorrow I will do a 2 hour class followed by applying an herb paste / mud aroma thing all over and then sitting in a sauna with all the other yogis.....looking forward to it! I may also try to hang out with some elephants this weekend. I will let you know how that goes.

Just found out that all Asian schools are on break starting March 1st until May 1st....hmmm wasn't anticipating that one but somehow it will all work out. It is the best time to find a better job in the whole "teaching English abraod" but I will have to stretch my funds for a while or teach private lessons (which is illegal but everyone does it). I also found out that there is a new rule with teaching in Korea. You have to fly all the way back to your country to get a working visa....hmmm wasn't planning that one either. Supposidly they will pay for both ways but it may send me to Taiwan or Vietnam. Time will tell. :)

I am planning to travel for a couple more weeks before I fly to a possible destination of teaching after school. I will probably go to Laos for a bit and maybe head south again in Thailand to a couple more beach spots. If I'm good with my budget I should be fine, it's really cheap.

This blog wasn't too exciting but just giving some basic info....:) Maybe I will have a grand elephant story for next week. I hope so :).

Elepants and Grammar


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