Monday, February 23, 2009

Elephants and the Last Week of TEFL

This will be a qucik one to sum up the past two weeks. Once I start traveling again (the Gypsy life) :) I will start writing more interesting stories (hopefully). So, this is the last week of the emphamis TEFL course. Kind of a bitter sweet end. I have made a couple great friends and everyone has been great overall in the class including the trainers. Last week I taught four lessons and it was a hectic week. I did get all ones (highest score) and had a great time teaching all classes. It was a challenge to do a partner lesson (with someone else) because you are so used to YOUR way (so is life at times, eh?) but it was good. We had our big exam yesterday and studied until my brain felt like dried fruit (hmmmm???? is that what I mean, yes :)). I got a 85% which I was content with. Going back to all the rules of grammar is not an easy task but it's interesting to take yourself back. So, I should be able to walk away with an A in the class. Thursday night is our dinner celebration and then many of us will be going out in the big city to celebrate a little more......;)

I will be doing a yoga seminar all weekend with Andrew (spoke about him in another blog, "The Love Machine" yogi) and looking forward to that and then off to Pai to relax and enjoy traveling as a backpacker again. I will be headed to Laos after that for a couple weeks and then blowing wherever the wind shall take me.

Lastnight, I went to a beautiful vegetarian restaruant with my friend Elenza and another friend who is doing massage school. Elenza taxi'ed (spelling???) all the way back home on her was quite the site me on the back sitting on a "LITTLE" seat while she peddled away. On our way back (in the city, might I add) we came upon an Elephant named Sandy........................hmmmmmmmm All I saw was this gigantic elephant butt in front of us and I said "PULLLLLLLLLLLLL over"....:) It was sad though because Sandy the elephant was with her owner making money for HIM............I could see in her eyes she was not where she wanted to be and I'm sure you can all imagine and finish the story from there.

So, that is it for now. More when I start backpacking again.

Loves to ya all!


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