Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ketute Leir the palm reader and Good Energy vs Bad Energy

This will be a short update in the Ubud Bali world. Still in Ubud and enjoying the locals and culture. Everyone is very busy getting ready for the big Holiday on Wednesday that I spoke about previously. Basically Good Energy God vs the Bad Energy God. I'm really excited to just walk around and take in all the ceremonies. Hopefully I will have some good photos to show. Still staying at the same abode and loving it. Everyday I wake up to a beautiful breakfast and the scent of incense on my porch. The large cockroach living in my bathroom I could do without but he doesn't bother me so I will just leave him be.....:) and I mean LARGE!!!!

I did a wonderful yoga workshop yesterday and ironically Mr. Love Machine is now in Bali (past yoga instructor). I have made friends with a woman from Vensuala (spelling?) named Paula and it's nice to share time with someone again. She has a very interesting career and has lived all over the world so I enjoy hearing her stories and maybe suggestions...:) We were on the same path when I meet her. I still continue to go to see Wayan (Woman Healer from Eat, Pray Love) everyday along with all the great friends who work with her. I'm very gravitated to her as a person and Nyuman the young Balinese man (20) is fun to laugh with. He has a crush on me but I keep telling him there is a huge age difference and we just laugh...all kidding around. Today Wayan is having a big party with a magazine so I took her a blessing present for the day. Anyway, back to meeting Paula. Paula came into Wayan's clinic and we started talking and of course she was there because of the book.....:) but she is more hesitant than I. Yesterday we rented bikes and went to see the famous Ketut Leir (Medicine man and palm reader) and he was exactly where he was supposed to be. On his porch and smiling with no teeth....:) What an experience that was. I can't tell you what he said because I would rather see if it actually comes true but he did know a couple things about both of us that were unique and made you go...hmmmmmmmmmm He was a very gentle and funny old man. His eyebrows were amazing too.........those things were like flying daggers :). He loves to learn English and so I taught him the word Awsome...:) he kept saying you are awsome and would hold his thumbs up. Paula and I got many pictures with Ketut so I will share very soon. You could tell he was a very wise old man and could read people well. He would start off with the reading by telling you that he will tell the bad and the good but luckily I had mostly good. He did say that I have been born 3 times which I thought was interesting but that is all I can say....:)

All in all what can I say a day with the Yoga Love Machine and the famous Ketut Leir palm is good!!!

love from Bali

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