Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Love and Clarity

So, here I am, it's October of 2009 and I'm still riding my beach cruiser around Buena Vista, CO where the mountains extend to the sky and the friendly people open their hearts with smiles. I was going to just stay until August and hang with good friends, work at the famous Asian Palete and just take a breather while I figure out the next Jenna adventure. Let me remind you or remind myself, I have a quote from last years epic yoga retreat Haramara that I made up that I promised to live by and unravel.........."To embrace clarity and a grander love for myself, ignites the power within and all around!". I have realized that both of these goals (to have clarity and a grander love for ones self) can be a challenge in many different ways BUT......if one can seek and find then it's a beautiful treasure to find. Have I? Geezzee, at times I felt as if I was battleing with monsters from my child hood under my bed, screaming at the universe, begging my angels to listen or give me answers in a quite noticable way and analyzing every step or emotion I was feeling. When I finally realized that every day was an embraced effort towards both of those realizations and to not panic, breath with grace, be gentle to my questions or unanswered future then clarity and love started to flow in like a roaring river! This WAS a beautiful thing and within time I realized I had found not only my 'shri' (my juicy nectar) I had also reached clarity within my own heart and spirit. A sweet sensation it is!

I haven't written in my blog since I returned and today when I woke up to small white fluffy flakes falling from the sky I wondered why? So, I jumped out of bed and decided to keep going with the adventures of Jenna and where my next journey will be. I don't think anyone is reading this blog now so perhaps it's just a journal for me and an inspiration for my creative path to be. I mean the USA can be just as interesting as Asia or other parts of the world so why not?

So, where did I leave off...Oh yes, I'm still in Buena Vista, CO. This is a small little mountain town and I mean SMALL!!!! Really not much going on for a Gemini but at the same time a lot about to happen, I think. The views are spectacular and people around my age are starting to make this place their home for many years. Everyone has been so loving and welcoming and a sense of community is truly here. I'm still working at the restaurant and engaging with all types of locals and having fun being a waitress and using my actressing skills as much as possible to entertain and see some smiles. So, as you all know I have had a love for yoga for many years and having clarity has brought me to the realization that I need and want yoga to be a bigger part of my life and so VAVOOM!.......I have decided to open a small little yoga studio, 'Jala Blu'. Yes, you have heard the goooood news...Jenna is opening a yoga studio! First one in Buena Vista, CO and the locals seem to be taking the news in a positive way. Jala represents "water". However, I want this space to be so much more and perhaps bringing a little bit of Asia into BV may not be such a bad idea. Stay Tuned...have to go get ready for work!

Lot's Of Love and Clarity!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Patience and Fortitude"...;)

Some of you know that I have pointed the sail home for the US. I arrived on July 1st and was greeted by a wonderful friend, Astrid. I have kept this a secret for a while to surprise some friends for a big event, wink wink! And with success, my surprise was indubitably a surprise!!!!!!! :)

I have had an amazing journey for 6 months and feel so blessed that I crossed paths with a few amazing people that now are friends for life. The experiences along the way emotionally, physically and culturally were beyond description but will forever be in my heart and spirit. I have no doubt that my traveling bug will ignite over and over in this life and my passion for adventure in other cultures will forever be a steady flow throughout this life journey. I have traveled only South America and Central America before this journey BUT.....I will say without a doubt everyone should travel to Asia and embrace it's sweetness and colorful worldly views. Asia was a slow love for me, it wasn't "love at first sight"..........However, as I continued to dance through Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan and back to Thailand I fell in love to the fullest.

What will I miss? Oh, so many things and so many people. I will miss the smiles from the Asian people, I will miss the sweet smell of flowers and incense in Indonesia, I will miss the romantic feeling in Bali, I will miss the special friends I made along the way, I will miss the romances that were short but open hearted and honest, I will miss the freedom of just "being" in the moment, I will miss riding my bike through crazy traffic, I will miss my favorite cafes, I will miss the beautiful laundry woman of Thailand and there laughs, I will miss the yoga community, I will miss the ocean and it's vivacious personality, I will miss the fruit that melts in your mouth, I will miss living out of a bag and having almost nothing, I will miss the times of "lone wolf" and getting to know myself in a deeper and connected way, I will miss the funny soup man in Bangkok, I will miss having beers with my friend Manis on the "curb", I will actually miss crazy Bangkok, I will miss Elinza and our nights of ever flowing laughter and comedy...;) and I will just miss the soul of being a traveler for a while......;) I know it will return so in comfort my traveling feet will dance again to unknown places and cross paths of unknown strangers.....!!!!!! If I have given any of you the "bug" to travel then I have given you a little inspiration and a gift to last a life time and enrich your soul along with others and that is a gift to me......:)

Some of you know I did have some hard times along the way but I have embraced those times with clarity and with content, I ended my journey a little earlier then I had planned. Some of you want this explanation and I will try to give it to you in a very simple way if that is possible. I was supposed to only travel for a month or two with the "purpose" of getting certified (TEFL) to teach English and then actually teaching English abroad (Taiwan or Korea). Well, 5 months later and still traveling (not working) I realized that I needed a "purpose" to not feel guilty about wanting to travel without a "purpose". I believe that traveling abroad is one of my biggest passions and yet I felt guilty to just travel without any purpose....hmmmmm Why, I don't know but I do know,'s ok to put a backpack on your back and travel without any purpose at all. The purpose is the experience and the experience in the traveling / backpacking world is one of the most amazing journeys you will experience in life......This I know! Ok, that was a bit confusing but do you get the PURPOSE!!!!?????? LOL!!!!! There of course are a few more reasons but this is the simplest way of explaining my reasons for coming home early and not staying or living in an Asian country for another year.

I have let myself melt back into the American culture with wonderful Colorado friends and every day I smile at the beauty that surrounds this amazing place (mountains, rivers, friendly people, etc...). I have decided to stay in Buena Vista for the summer to enjoy a little mountain town and spend time with some beautiful chicas, babies, wedding celebrations, wonderful mountain men and some really cool dogs....:). I will hopefully be working at a friends newly opened restaurant, "The Asian Pallet" until I can work in Denver but have plans to spend the rest of my summer in BV and living a simple life for a while.

I also just want to say thank you to ALL my friends and family for your support along the way, I love you all very much and feel blessed that you are in life!

I have no doubt this blog will continue with other Jenna journeys but until then I wish you all an abundance of happiness and laughter within your own journeys!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Love and more Love!!!!

P.S......Can't wait to see you Mom and Dad!!! xoxox

Monday, June 29, 2009

OH Thailand!

I keep thinking of a few stories I haven't told yet and may be worth telling.

So, I decided to head to the beach for a few days and visit a friend in BK before life transitions again. First, I must tell the story of Dirty Deider and the Winery in Chiang Mai. Yes, wine in Thailand. Wine is hard to find in this country and if you do find it, it's expensive and not so good. However, my roomie Kom has a friend named Deider who is German and owns a winery outside of Chiang Mai and one day we all decided to take the drive and try some good Chiang Mai wine. Now, as I have discussed previously in some of my blogs, there are quite a few of older men that have very young Thai girlfriends and at times I have a hard time even looking at them but..........everyone is different, eh? So, Deider is probably in his 70's and has a couple VERY young girlfriends and yes, he is "Dirty Deider". Actually, a very nice man and of course a love for grapes and making wine. We went to the winery mid day and let me tell you, after sitting in the cold cold wine tasting room drinking way too many glasses of wine and then going out in the Thai heat of day light is quite the experience. When I opened the door from the tasting room to enter the outside world I suddenly felt like a true vampire....."NO, not the light"...LOL!!! and not too mention at exactly 3:00 in the afternoon all of us had a wine buuzzzzzzzz. Following the wine Dirty Deider decided to bring out homemade cheese...WOW...I haven't had a good piece of cheese in 6 months and not too speak of a nice glass of wine. I was loving life with the homemade cheese and beautiful wine. The simple and yummy things in life. So, if you are ever in Chiang Mai and want to be in the company of Mr. Dirty Deider who is a funny man and sip on some beautiful wine while cheesing it up, let me know and I will send you in the right direction.

Hmmmm, I thought I had another story but it has drifted from my memory. So, off to the beach.

I will say BK grows on me every time and I really love my Guesthouse that I stay out. It's like a home away from home. There is one staff member, Oh who I love...she is so cute and always greets me with a big hug, I love it. I have been here so much they give me the same two rooms everytime, either 105 or 103. I stay here for 250 baht (7.00). Accross the street is my favorite little breakfast stand with good coffee and the best egg, cheese and tomato sandwich (with wheat bread..:)), 45 baht...a little over a $1.00 for coffee and a sandwich, wow! The owner of this little coffee stand is adorable too and she always yells to me after I leave, "i love you" funny! My friend Manis Man lives around the corner in his flat so it's always nice to also come to a place near a friend. We have been spending a few nights sitting on his porch enjoying the Thai weather. I'm also one of his best fans in the BK area when he plays his music, it's nice to hear guitar and singing (reminds me of the mountains and friends). So, I went to an island called Koh Somet, I was so lucky with weather and spent 4 days enjoying the sound of the waves and just having lone wolf Jenna time. As always stayed in a rustic little bungalow (300 baht) and enjoyed the fire dancers at night. I finally got a tan again, it's been a while. So, back in BK fro a few days and then heading back.

Wherever you all are, sending you lot's of love!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

I love the women in my life!

A lot has happened since my last blog and I feel a bit lazy lately with keeping my blog updated. I apologize to all of you who look forward to my thoughts and adventures and I also smile when some of you wonder why I haven't written's a nice to know that you have interest and also enjoy my stories. So, thanks for always asking and having curiosity and may you all have many adventures to share with others along the way.

I'm still living in Chiang Mai, Thailand and really falling in love with the people and the culture every day. In life we always to take for granted the everyday beauty within ourselves and around us and at times even in such a new culture I find myself doing this. However, I'm still in WOW everyday by Thailand and the funny and beautiful things and people that surround my everyday life here. My neighborhood is such a relaxing and friendly area and I feel blessed just to get on my bike every morning and be greeted by the Thai smiles and the friendly wave of the hands. Many people recognize me already and especially the laundry woman....LOVE those woman!!!!!! It's so cheap to have your laundry done in Thailand and for some reason my laundry always smells so good when I get it back......Yes, when you wash your clothes it's supposed to smell good but there is something that is more fresh about it here in Thailand. The funny thing is they always line dry and sometimes when I'm riding by on my push bike I notice a dress that looks so familiar and OH YES.....that is my dress hanging in the middle of the street drying in the Thai air....:). I also have my two favorite cafes that I go to on a ritual basis everyday!!!!! First it's the Internet / coffee bar that I can drink a yummy late for one dollar and use free Internet and then it's off to hang with the yogis and massage students for some fresh juice and humus....:). I know, rough life eh?

I'm still in the process of looking for the right school to teach for and have contacted an orphanage to do some work with in the meantime. I have always had a fascination for an orphanage and when I do return to the US I would still like to take a walk down that path.

One beautiful aspect of Chiang Mai is connecting with same amazing woman along the way who live in Chiang Mai. Whether it's through yoga, roommates, friends from TEFL or a brilliant "Wild Woman Circle" they have given me strength lately and a since of community and love. Every Sunday we all come together at the Wild Rose Yoga Studio and engage with discussion on all kind of life subjects. I know, it's a woman thing for all you men out there that read my blog....;) and that is why I love being a woman!!!!! We eat chocolate, drink wine, cry, laugh and tell our deepest secrets or thoughts about life. Last night the subject was FEAR, a good one but a very emotional one for most people when you really think about it. When we are children of course we have fears and as we get older our fears become struggles within which can affect our lives in many ways. I'm not a closed book when it comes to sharing and I would really recommend thinking about your own fears and acknowledging them. Mine include death, love and not having clarity within. We had to choose three which is a good number...I mean yes, I fear spiders, sharks etc....but really thinking about fears and how you can let go and maybe open those fears to something more positive and accepting. Now, that is a challenge....:). Anyway, once again, I'm so thankful to my many woman (family and friends) in the world that always support me and accept me for who I am. I truly love all of you and feel very lucky!!!!

This past weekend Elinza and I took a bus to Chiang Rai which is also in the mountains and not too far from Chiang Mai (3hrs) to visit a friend. WOW!!!! Chiang Rai is truly a gorgeous place and at times I felt as if I was in CO which was nice to feel....:). We went to the most beautiful temple, I mean it was AMAZING!!!! I know, I know, where are the pics...I promise one day in the land of downloading I will figure it out...:) The artist who designed this temple has made it a lifelong commitment and probably won't even finish it before he leaves this life. The intricate design and detail is beyond anything I have seen and I felt at some times, it was very unreal. That same day Renate and Chris took us to the river and it was surrounded by lush green mountains and the clear blue skys enhanced the day with a AH feeling!!!! So we all sat along the river in a a little bamboo hut and had a beer to soak up the views and breath in peace.

For those of you in Colorado I'm sure you are soaking up those beautiful blue sky days and enjoying the mountain life. Remember to take a look at those beautiful things and people around you because sometimes in our busy everyday lives we tend to forget and WOW!!!!

So much love to all of you!!!!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rainy Season in Thailand

Sawdee Kai!

And so, I was welcomed with many Elinza colorful signs...............WELCOME HOME JENNA , JENNA'S ROOM, MAYBE THIS IS JENNA'S ROOM (we have a few rooms)...etc...and so my mind is at ease for a bit. I do feel very at home in Chaing Mai (not like CO of course) and once again the area that I live in is great. I can ride my push bike to almost anywhere and near by are amazing food markets, cute cafes, restaurants, a great little yoga studio etc.....Unfortunately my body decided to break down and be sick the past few days but I think I just needed a good cleanse to look at in a positive view. It's rainy season now but the weather feels good, not so hot and the air feels fresh! Since I'm living on so much baht per day due to the flow of money....:) the woman who owns a small little vegetarian cafe and yoga studio is letting me practice for free on my own (practice yoga that is). It has been a while since my yoga spirit has been alive but I'm starting to flow back in to it and it feels good. Yoga always opens more doors for me in my life and motivates me to manifest what I truly need and want. And so, with a little yoga medicine I'm hoping I can make Chaing Mai, Thailand be my balance for a while....:)

I never imagined I would be back in Thailand again and to be honest this place has grown on wasn't an instant love but I like that kind of love (not instant). There is something to be said about things in life that grow on you in time and with patience....:) This time I took the overnight train from Bangkok to Chaing Mai and what a trip that was.............geeze O peas...:) A grand total of 18hrs...I mean I could have flown back to the states if only flying back to the states would have only cost the same (591 bht)....which is $19.00 dollars. The train was supposed to leave at 10:00pm and arrive the next day at 12:45pm but it didn't arrive until calculated, that is 4 hrs 2:00pm I was ready to jump off the train and then I thought maybe I'm on the wrong train....HA!!! I wouldn't put it past me...I had these visions that I was taking a train all the way to India and as I got off the train I would just laugh and say, "so be it...." India it is...let's do some serious yoga practicing and get into some REAL culture shock!!!!!!! BUT, that story was a dream and I finally reached my destination of Chaing Mai.

Yesterday Elinza and I went to a fabulous art fair...tons of stuff going on (music, art work, photography, workshops, cool things to buy, yummy food etc...). Elinza is quite the motivated artist so we took a shadow puppet workshop and put Elinza's imagination to work. Our puppet ended up being an "Elephant Fish"....a huge colorful fish with an elephant trunk...:). We then proceeded to go furniture shopping for the house (Elinza went furniture shopping for the house, I just assisted) and we def. attempted yet another Thai scooter challenge. How many furniture items plus two people can you fit on a scooter.....HA!!!!! and as always the Elinza and Jenna show laughed all the way home with one small coffee table, one large rug and two medium sized shelving units. We are moving up the ladder when it comes to the famous scooter!

Hopefully I will continue to post more updates and get back into the groove. All I can say for now is you may be seeing me very soooooooooooooooooooooooon....:) OR you may not be seeing for a while.......;)

Love and Fresh Rain from the land of Thailand!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Jenna Summary....:)

Can I trigger all my adventures and experiences within the past month. I will try. So, some of you know I just recently went back to Thailand (BKK, Kanchuburi and Chaing Mai) to extend my Taiwan visa and spend some time with some friends along the way. Well, I have landed back in Taiwan as of yesterday and will be headed back to Thailand, Chaing Mai on Sunday to stay for a while (maybe 2 months). For now Chaing Mai feels good; blue sky's, delicious and healthy food, mountains, riding a push bike, being among friends and just feeling at ease. It feels good. I will be living with my lovely friend Elinza (with an 'I') and Kom who is Thai/German. They live in an amazingly huge house with character and I will be paying rent for a couple months. It will feel good to finally land my wings for a bit and take a rest. I'm hoping to find temporary work along the way and at least make enough money to live off of (food and rent). I'm hoping (Gusio???) to still have an interview in Sorth Korea in July and open the door to a possible job that starts in September but we will see....:) Sounds as if Nouth Korea is not such a friendly place at the moment in the news (not that it has ever been a friendly place). Anyway, what is up with people in this world can there be such people (making nucleur bombs) on this planet...Makes me sick! Sorry, got a bit off subject.

So......Back to Thailand on Sunday to hang with my friend Manis for a couple days in the big city (BKK) and then taking the overnight train (this time I will make it) to Chaing Mai to feel a bit grounded for a while. I did find a great little yoga studio around the corner and going to hopefully trade English lessons for yoga classes. Looking forward to getting back with my love of yoga. I'm also hoping to find some camps and other options of teaching just to get some experience and give it a go.

I have to admit my last few weeks in Taiwan were pleasant. I decided to just relax, enjoy the culture and travel around a bit. I was so consumed with finding a job and adjusting to the culture shock here that I wasn't even enjoying what was in front of me (not at all like me and disappointing at times). I actually like Taipei, it's a very nice Taiwan city and it has a lot to offer if you travel around to the different areas. It is expensive though, nothing like Thailand where everything is affordable. I also enjoyed watching all the break dancers in the MRT stations along the way, they are great and so talented. A famous food in Taiwan is "stinky tofu" and believe me when they say STINKY, you can smell it from far far far away. Today was the day to try the tofu and so me and couple friends ventured out. The smell IS overwhelming but it's actually quite nice if you can get past the st inkiness....:) Today was the Dragon Boat races on the river so we attended a huge festival. They have several teams that race and all the boats are in shapes of dragons. Tonight I will be going to a dumpling eating contest.....hmmm, I don't think I will partake :).

Last weekend was my 38 (yikes, what happened, 38!!!) in Chaing Mai and a few friends sneaked around while planning a surprise Birthday Bash for me. It meant so much to me since I have been in a state of confusion and missing all of you....:) Everyone made tons of food, a huge Birthday sign with balloons, corn burnt over a fire in a flower pot...:), music was played throughout the night with talent guitarist along the way and a delicious chocolate desert that Elinza made...............YUM!

And so there you go in a nutshell. I know there is so much more to tell but hopefully I will have a few more stories once I reach my destination of Thailand for a while.

Sending all of you an abundance of happiness with the acceptance of change and the unknown!!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not so confused but maybe a little Dazed....:)

Sorry for the non commitment with my blog writing. I was a bit confused of my desire to teach, live in a different country etc...and thought it be best to take a break....:) However, so many of you are writing and asking what is going on it has given me strength to visit my blog.

I'm back in Thailand visiting friends in Bangkok and Chaing Mai and enjoying the easy culture of Thai people and the comfort of getting around easily...AND my love for Thai food was missed greatly!!! I'm still a bit undecided in the teaching world but have no desire to give. Of course I'm missing you all in ways I can't even explain but I have to know in my heart this is the right decision, to teach abroad. I think I have given up on Taiwan and have decided to pursue a different path but I don't want to say to much until I have a concrete answser......:)

Sending you all love and inspiration to live each day with passion!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Two Days to Decide..Yikes!

Well, I'm still in Pingtung and having such a hard time figuring out if this is the place for Jenna. I know I know, toss a coin, make a decision, just do it...right? Ok, not so easy. Do I choose a place that has VERY few foreigners and really emerse myself in the chinese culture (take a chance on going insane) or do I head to the city and have a few foreigner friends and take a chance on another job offer will come along. If any of you want to send me what you think I should do then bring it on. I can't decide and I feel like my little Jenna head my pop off.........POP! So, I will head to Kaoshuing tomorrow (city) and check it out.

OK, that is all for now...oh yeah just to give you a glimpse in this town.....When I'm riding around on my push bike people litterally drive along the side of me, stare at me or say "hello, where are you from?"'s actually quite funny expecially when they are not even paying attention to the traffic coming at them.......crazy peeps! :)

Joan of Arc

I dedicate this blog to an amazingly beautiful woman who touched everyones life in a very graceful and beautiful way. I will always carry a part of her spirit within my life and I have no doubt I'm a stronger woman because of her!

So much love to her in her next journey!!!!

I will miss you Terry!


Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have finally (I think) reached my destination to teach in Pintung. I'm still a little dazed and confused if this is the right area but I'm always dazed and confused so maybe I just go with the flow. Once again, I think anywhere in Taiwan (Korea, Hong Kong, etc...) is going to be a challenge at first but I have to remember why I'm here...:). So far I have seen only one other foreigner and he has been here for so long he didn't really care if I was a foreigner or not....HA!! I have started shadowing classes and I'm amazed how well the kids know English and they are very excitted to learn (that is a plus).

I haven't signed any contracts yet because I still feel there is some negotiating to do on both ends and I'm a little hesitant to stay here as well. However, negotiating is starting to get better and I think it will work out in the end. I do think about Thailand a lot and wonder if I should have stayed there but the money just isn't there. I will be flying back to Thailand on the 13th to figure out my visa and staying for 7 days to hang out with some friends and already (yes already) take advantage of a mini vacation. Right now I'm staying in a nice flat for free and I also got lucky with a bike to ride around Pingtung and check things out. It's so funny to watch people stare at me or even be shocked that there is an actual white person in town...:) Now I know what it feel like to be a star or rock star and for all they know, I am a rock star damn it!!!! :)

So, leave it me to find a Hip Hop class in the middle of Taiwan...YEP!!! I did a Taiwanese style hip hop class all in the language of was so much fun and funny!!! I couldn't understand a word he was saying but thank god I have some funk within my moves and could just watch and get it...I think he was impressed....:)Afterwards there was a gay Taiwanese man teaching high low aerobics and NO, I didn't take this one but it was one of those true Asian culture moments...........I wish I would have had a video camera. So freakin funny!!!!! Anyway, the gym is really nice and I was impressed with the weight / exercise machines, spin class area (I may try to teach) and the yoga room SO...if I and when I loose my sanity here I will be there A LOT!!!!!!

That is all for now...oh yeah...I went grocery shopping (real shopping) for my first time in 4months and I cooked a real dinner........I can't even express to you all the way it felt, fucking great! Excuse the language but I'm so ready to eat my way and a healthier way. So if anyone feels like coming over for dinner, I will cook...hehehehe.

Love from Pingtung!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hot Springs, Hiking and the Big City!

Where did I leave off on the last Jenna Taiwanese after Tainan I traveled to the Yangmingshan National Forest which is right outside of Tapei (the big city). The area reminded me of Seattle a bit (very lush and green with rain and cooler / damper weather). Once again I was starving for more outdoor activity and fresh air and I found it in a very promising and beautiful way. Along my way to Yangmingshan I met a very nice Taiwanese woman named Charline and we really connected on a bus ride from Tainan to the speed train (i love the speed train). Recently I have come across some very nice Taiwanese people to help me along the way and nagivate thru the frustration of reading Chinese....:)many thanks to them all!!! Anyway, she lives in Tainan and we exchanged phone numbers to see eachother again. I have to go back to the speed train, what an amazing way to travel and a fantastic concept. The train stations are great and the closer you get near Tapei more people are English friendly and many of the people living (younger generation) love to speak English to you. There weren't any foreigners in the National Forest but I took some solo Jenna time at a Hotel that was right on the hot springs and soaked for a couple nights. The rooms were great!!! You had your own barrel of a tub that had the natural hot springs running thru to it and then there were private hot spring rooms below that had HUGE tubs. It would have been a great romantic place...:) And if you are lucky they even put funny condoms on your pillow with unique little packages (I think they either said, "Cat's Love" or "Honey Condom")...hmmmm LOL!!!!! These places are not cheap once again but the time spent was nice and I started to bond so much with the people who owned the Hotel they let me choose any room the next night and discounted quite a bit and I got two condoms on my pillow (what more could you want)..:) They must have thought I had an imaginary boyfriend or invisible man by my side...LOL!

My main goal was to also do a big hike in the National Forest and I found the gold at the end of the rainbow for sure. Trying to remember the name of the Peak I hiked....I think Mt. ...hmmmmm brain bubble. Anyway, a brilliant hike with beautiful lush forest all around and butterflies of so many colors. Along the way I was also greeted by the biggest snake I have ever seen in nature...WOW!!! I watched him or her intensly and the way they can just glide in a very graceful way. Funny thing is there are signs everywhere saying beware of poisonous wasps, snakes and centipeds...I wonder if that slithering friend was a poisionous one. Either way it was a cool snake and snakes are good luck to see anyway (they bring magic into ones life in the Native American belief). Hiking in Taiwan is different then what I'm used to and the best way to describe it is like doing a stair stepper times 10,000. I def. got the workout but in a more natural setting...:) The steps are beautiful! Most of them are made out of rocks and have grown bright vibrant green moss on the sides. When I finally got to the top it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo windy but the sun was finally shining and the tall grass was dancing in the strong winds. Since the National Forest is just outside of the big city you could see all off Tapei and other mountain peaks, it was beautiful and once again Jenna was happy....:) Oh yes, one more little story. On my way down which was brutal on the knees I had a small thought of wanting to scream (not a shreaking scream but a deep scream from within)...know what I mean?...but I didn't and then just as I past an older Taiwanese man (by the way several older people hiking which I was amazed by...)he gave that same deep scream I'm describing...I couldn't believe it, it was like he was reading my mind. I came to a quick stop turned around with a smile and as his deep deep scream / call out to nature was climaxing his back was arched and his gaze was towards the sky...WOW!!!!!!! He looked at me and smiled from a distance and so I decided to give it a go as well......:) what freedom!!!!!! So if any of you have the need to do a deep loud call, I would highly recommend it for any kind of medicine in your life. Damn it felt good!

After my two days of relaxation and hiking I took the bus and train to Tapei and started my city adventure. Just to make a quick note, I really like Tapei and I would be happy teaching here as well. There is more of an English speaking community (still not a lot but more), cool cafes and restaurants, funny people to watch and so many things to do outside of the city (kinda like Denver) to get away from it all. I wish I had another week just to stay here and check areas out and then go do all the side trips outside of the city like go to Juifen and Jinguahsi where they make all the tea. By the way have I mentioned the fabulous tea?.....WOWZIWAKALAKA!!!!! The tea here is the best and I truly mean that, hands down!!!!!!! I'm not so hooked on the food (like Thai food better) but the tea is mind blowing. I don't even know where to begin and I could litterly spend a whole year just studying the tea (how it's made, what kinds, scents, how to make the special tea blends, etc....) and maybe I will in the future.

So here I am in Tapei. I did do a little shopping since I need clothing to teach and I'm really digging the jeans here and they even hem them for you right there...Love that since I'm a short pants girl. Ate at a great little Indian restaurant lastnight called Sababa and enjoyed a glass of vino (it's been a while). I would give anything to sit down with a bottle of good red wine with my chicas...:)

So, that is it for now and I must get going to go back to Yuanlin and collect my stuff and start the teaching thing....:) It's about time, eh? That whole work thing is overrated anyway....:)

love to all of you!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Following Your Instinct

Ni Hao! (hello in chinese)

I am starting to learn a few words belive it or not and my teachers are children that come running up to me. I will say it's funny at times because some of the Taiwanese peeps can look at me with fear and others look at me like a piece of chocolate.....;)

I have found a bit of Colorado in Taiwan lately (mountains and beauty along with some fresh air from the ocean). I had a rough start here in the beginning and from my last blog entry you probably figured that out. I decided to follow my instinct and look for other places to live or call home for a while. I'm sure there is beauty within Yunalin where I was supposed to live but it just wasn't my cup of Chinese tea....I need a little freshness and positive energy. And so, I started to cruise the website for other jobs and came accross a possibility in Kenting which is South. I contacted a school that just designed an "English Village School". They built an area that has a bus station, a coffee shop and other real life situations that students can practice their English. They will also incorporate outdoor classes (hiking, boogie boarding, surfing, camping, etc...) to help with vocabulary and real life skills etc...The guy that I contacted told me they didn't really have much for full time but I insisted on setting up a time anyway to check it out. I believe even if you start putting the vibe out the universe will usually grant you the wish (not always) :). And so, off to Kenting I go. Kenting is a very small little resort beach town and quite honestly I don't think I could live there for a year either but just breathing fresh air and seeing the ocean was medicine that Jenna needed. I had an interview the next day after arriving and was greeted by Vincent who spoke excellent English (phew!) and then proceeded to introduce me to Gina the principal. Gina didn't speak English but seemed to have a sweetness to her and Vincent was our translater (spelling?). Then another man entered named Peter (Taiwanese but excellent English again, 2nd phew!). To my suprise they had contacted Peter to also interview me with his school that him and his wife own. My interview ended up lasting a total of 6 hrs and at the end I walked away with a very peaceful feeling and realized once again that this adventure sent me to the correct people finally. It ends up that I won't be living in Kenting full time but in Pingtong (Pingdong) and working with Peter and his wife and then when the Village School needs extra help I will be taking the train to help with outdoor classes and other English learning enviornments. Another cool aspect with Peter's school is they are opening another one in a little town near by where I will probably get a flat and he wants to possibly hire me as a designer.....:). After spending the afternoon with Peter I felt like we already conected on a friendship basis and talked about everything under the sun. And so, my plans have changed and I will be headed South where it will be hot hot hot but better for the outdoor Colorado chica (ME). There is also a yoga studio right accross from the school (must be a sign).

I have been traveling since Monday and have plans to travel for a few more days just to check out Taiwan and find it's beauty. I did rent a push bike in Kenting and did a brutal but beautiful climb up to the National Forest. After NOT doing my regular cardio since January it was quite the challenge but I was smiling from ear to ear....:). Funny thing is when you are traveling in destinations where there are not any foreigners around and you see one you begin to get soooooo excited.....:). I was in 7-11 and in walked a "white man"....:) we both looked at eachother with the biggest smile. When your in the States you would find it very rare to walk up to a stranger and say would you like to have dinner tonight? OR would you like some company? OR how about some conversation? etc....but this is what you do when you are starving for communication in English and company. And so Lauras (said with rolling your tougne in a European way) was my savior and I was his. We grabed a Taiwanese beer and headed to the beach for the sunset and just talked, it was GREAT!!!!! We then came across another foreigner who I can't pronounce his name but he was indeed a character and loved to show us how to do the Flamingo (dance) in the middle of Kenting. We were all laughing until the wee hours of the night. The next day I was catching a bus with Lauras so I could head to Tainan and he was getting off in another little town. However, as we started to board the bus...............WELL...I thought we were both boarding the bus I looked up and no Lauras.............hmmmmThe bus doors started to close and I looked out my window. There was Lauras saying it was the wrong bus for him and so we laughed between the glass window and I blew kisses to say goodbye to yet another friend along the way. Funny thing is we never got contact info (e-mail etc...) and so I laughed wondering if I would ever see him again, probably not (the funny things about traveling). And so now I'm in the wonderful city or town of Tainan. Tainan is a great little historical place with a modern feeling. Many cafes and cool little temples all around. I could live here as well.

Sorry for that huge paragraph!!!!!

So all in all I'm starting to get my good vibe back but without a doubt I also realize that no matter where I live in Taiwan this will be a challenge. I have to remember (Yes Mark) why I am here and my life has been very easy and filled with some adventure the past several months. Time to teach some English and learn some Chinese.

Missing you all as always!

Jenna :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Taiwan and Thoughts

Hello from Taiwan!

I haven't been writing much because my mind is a bit overwhelmed. My mind is whirling in circles with completely different emotions than I have had before for the past 4 months. The last 4 months consisted of freedom, happy thoughts (most of the time), meeting amazing people, experiencing amazing food and amazing culture and just dancing thru life with laughter and luck. Not to say I didn't experience a little culture shock, lonliness and just the need to see friends and family but I have reached the climax of complete culture shock! I say this with a smile but up until today I didn't even want to write about what I have been going thru. I'm painting a dark picture so allow me to explain and I will always try to find the beauty no matter what situation.

I told myself that I wasn't making any promises to myself or others. If for some reason my heart is not content wherever my wings land then there is always a possibility of flying home..:) However, most of you know, Jenna doesn't give up easy no matter what situation life brings. So with all that said don't worry, not coming home yet and not a complete whimp. Yunalin is the complete opposite from where my life has been for 14 years in the mountains. When I say opposite, I mean night and day, black and white, vanilla ice cream / chocolate ice cream.....:) get what I'm throwing down? Architecture very ugly, a lot of pollution (yummy), fruit and vegetables loaded with pesticides, a lot of trash hanging out, only one yoga place, no one speaks English (very few at least), all signs and menus in Chinese and without a scooter (I don't have one yet) you have no freedom or a way out of this small city / town. And so, I have analyzed my situation a bit and wonder why I take on such a challenge. You know one of the sayings with the Peace Core is "the toughest job you will ever love"...I'm starting to relate with that saying. :) I have no doubt that this experience will enrich me beyond belief and when I write my blog 6mo from now it will be interesting to compare. I do believe there is beauty in everything to a certain extent so I will challenge myself to find that and also remember how thankful I am to have a home in the mountains (well I don't have an actual home but.,.....) with beautiful friends and family. I can smell the fresh air, the greeness in the middle of summer, the flowing river which is protected from trash, the beautiful organic vegies / fruits and all the freedom that comes with speaking the language.

I did go to one class the other night and the students seemed to gravitate towards me. I think they were scared to death to see who the next teacher was. That have it easy with me!...:) They were 7th and 8th graders and seemed to know English fairly well. I also had one lady come yelling out of a restaurant and asked to teach her 3 year old....hmmmm this should be interesting. She was so adorable and I will look forward to that, I think but not quite sure how to teach a 3 year old. Privates pay fairly well though so, I'm hoping to get a few more, we will see. Starting to meet other foreigners but there are not many and most of them are really young. I'm hoping to connect with some teachers somewhat close to my age....;)

I will start training for the Dragon Races coming up soon in May. I guess we have a team and it's like a canoe or some type of boat and I will be a paddler...:) Anything to keep me exercising. I also have already looked into Kun Fu....:) so watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I somehow finally purchased a phone while doing it all in chinese and found the courage to to order food and a yummy tea. Along the way I ran into a puppet show in the rain and took a break while I listened to the puppet actor. Have no idea what they were saying but got the picture...:)

Tomorrow I will head out on the train to travel South. Going to a place called Kenting on the beach for 6-7 days. Once I get back I will be diving in to the land of teaching English!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let the water wash away the mud and welcome to Jenna in Taiwan

I have made it safely from the protesting in Bangkok to the land of Yunlin, Taiwan where I will land my wings for quite some time!

First I have to share the story of celebrating the Thai New Years. It's celebrated with a lot of water, mud, dancing and loud music everywhere. There are stands with every kind of squirt gun you can imagine....backpack micky mouse squirt guns, turbo squirt guns, small squirt guns etc.....and if you are dry you won't be for long. By the end of the night I was drenched and mudified all over my face. The mud symobolizes the past year and being drenched in water washed away that year and ready for the New Year. Thai people would come up to and gently smear the light colored mud on my face and with a gentle smile another one would pour a bucket of cold water to wash away. The streets were crazy and even the protesting was going on they continued to enjoy their Holiday and celebrate with laughter! I laughed for a solid two hours. The celebration went on for 3 days total and so the next day even though i stayed away from the crazy road me and my friend Manis still were drenched and mudified by young little ones.

As I got off the plane in Bangkok a lady asked where I was staying and the shock on her face let me know that maybe it wasn't the place to stay. I guess where I decided to stay just a day before I came is where are all the protesting was happening....:) and a few government buildings near. I took a chance anyway because it was recommended by a friend and in a quieter area. Once I got there I saw a few red peeps along the way and a block down were tanks (yes tanks...kind of wild to see when your not used to that) but the street was quiet and the Thai people went on with their lives with smiles. The place I stayed was lovely and I felt very safe (Tawez) and made a Thai friend named OM (good name) and enjoyed the "soup man" at night with a great sense of humor and smile that ignited with happiness. My shopping came to an end because the last day I was there most people were not going out and about because of the protesting or at least to certain areas. I have heard it's gotten worse and the thoughts of gun shots being fired is hard to take in. As I left for the airport yesterday at 5:00am the cab driver had a hard time finding roads to take because they were all blocked off and many army men were geared up and ready for the worst I guess. Anyway, it was interesting to experience and all in all I felt safe but these kind of situations can get out of hand obviously and I feel thankful to be safe.

So,all this time traveling I have wanted destinations without so many foreigners and well........and so I shall receive.....:) WOW! In Thailand and Indonesia so many travelers but when I got off the plane in Taiwan there was me and 4 others. I live in a town called Yuanlin and there is no English.....None!!!!! And so what I'm saying is be careful what you ask for because POOF this is what I asked for a destination where I have to dive into the culture, the people, the language etc....Here I come Mandarin! Jess and Michelle greeted me in a very lovinly way and will be here for a while to show me the ropes etc...there are a FEW other teachers and in time they will be my new goooooooooooooood friends....:) I plan to travelfor a few days soon to see a bit of Taiwan and then I will start teaching May 1st. Jess will be leaving May 4th and starting her journey back to the states.

I'm excited for this journey and have no idea where it will take me but I know it will enrich my life. There will be challenges and I can see that but I'm ready and open to the possibilities and welcome this path I am on. I think after 9mo I will be ready to come home and ignite my life again in the mountains.

Missing you all greatly and sending love from a far!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Shop till you drop in Bangkok!

Today was a American day but in a Thai kind of way...:) I headed out on little Jenna field day trip to huge shopping malls in Bangkok. I decided to live on the wild side and figure out the bus system in the city. For those of you who really know me well, let's just say, a true Jenna adventure and with getting lost comes laughter in a abundance. One person says go that way and so you start walking and ask the next person just to make sure and they so go "THAT" way............opposite direction. OR...take bus 73 to 72 and another person says take 16...hmmmmmmm All in all one person got on the bus with me and told me when to get off and where to connect. And so my journey carried me to the grand malls of Bangkok and WOW...they don't mess around (shopping meca). I was expecting cheap cheap cheap and that wasn't the case but it was fun anyway and managed to hit some sales and have a cute and hip gay Thai man dress me.....:) They are all about cute t-shirts and jeans. I think I will have to venture elsewhere the next few days to find more. One reason I'm shopping is because I basically have nothing and need clothing for Taiwan. It's kind of fun to choose a new style (like being in the CIA) but add the Jenna zing.

I have to admit one thing on this day of shopping. I gave in to McDonald french fries, a starbucks late (yum) and the movies. The movie theatre was so amazinly nice, recliner seats and the ads / Thai commercials were fantastic!!!!! I saw "The Knowing" and it seemed to be a pretty good flick but considering I haven't seen a movie in a really long time any movie could be good.

Anway, my feet hurt and I have to go back out there....:) Ironically on this adventure I seem to be hitting all the New Years. Bali had their New Years when I was there and now Thailand is having theirs and I guess it's celebrated with a lot water......meaning I will be drenched with a lot of water at some point tomorrow. Should be fun, I think????

Protesting is going on with little red people all around but I'm staying away from those areas except for seeng it from the TukTuk's.

Anyway, a few more days here and then I will be traveling thru Taiwan before teaching.

Happy New Year from Thailand!!!!

Pictures coming soon, I promise!!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

On my way!

Thought I would write one last blog before leaving the land of Bali Bliss! I have to say I have had a huge connection with Bali and I feel like I could still travel for another month here and still not see everything. Such a small place with a huge energy of happiness within the people.

I have a feeling I will even feel some tears as I leave Gandra's Home Stay and the family. I have stayed a total of 20 days with them and everytime I come back from a small journey to the ocean they welcomed me with comfort, flowers, incense, tea, fruit and most of all, beautiful smiles. I will also miss the other travelers that have planted their nest at Gandras especially sweet Max from Canada. Max has a heart of gold, can make some yummy Arak cocktails and can dance anyone under the table at the age of 70! I can only hope I'm dancing and smiling like her in my seventies....:) I have gone to two regae shows with her and 2 Balinese typical music concerts and the woman is an animal...:) She is just the cutest and I def. feel a connection with her. I have realized that I have become friends with a lot of older peeps on this trip. Not sure what it signifies but I think that in our society (USA) we forget that some of the most amazing people to just hang with are the older ones. If we can reach a balance with being a young child and being an older person then I think we can connect with life in a more spontaneous attitude and live life to the fullest..............Meaning, not worry or stress out about the stuff that really doesn't matter............................once again, "SIMPLICITY"!!!!

Anyway, sad to leave Bali but really ready to start my life in Taiwan and feel grounded a bit. I really miss all you people more than you know (friends and family) and can only hope to meet some friends in Taiwan that are as gold as all of you.

One more added highlight. I took a silver smith class yesterday and it was not only fun but interesting to go thru the process and see how much work is involved. I finally made a ring that I designed a long time ago....:)

Sending you all love from Bali and connecting soon in the crazy land of Bangkok one last time before heading to Taiwan.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Ubud and the Gili Islands

It's been a while since I have written so I will try and capture some highlights.

Ubud has been my home base for while and it's nice to go away and come back to what I call home for now. I have met so many wonderful people along the way and the latest was a couple from the Netherlands, Colete and Robert. They were staying at the same home stay and we all ended up going to the Gili Islands together. We were headed to Candi Dasa in Bali but when I got their the vibe wasn't happening. As with traveling the beauty is, you can change your destination at any moment. So.....we jumped on a ferry the next day and headed to the beautiful islands. WOW!!!!! It was amazing to be on the islands and walk around the whole island in an hour and a half. I spend 3 nights on Gili Air and two nights on Gili Meno and decided not to go to the big party island. Gili Air was amazing and so chilled out with a FEW good restaurants, beautiful beaches, happy Lombok peeps and cute little bungalows to make your life complete. Along the way we picked up Joe from the ferry and he joined our circle of "hanging out" in the Gili Air...:) He had just finished filming a movie in Jakarta and had an interesting life to share. We all went snorkeling on my last day in Gili Air before heading to the island of solitude (Gili Meno). The snorkeling was brilliant and I saw my first sea turtle, WOW!!!!!!!! Sea turtles are beautiful creatures and the fish were so amazing with so many colors. So, I said my goodbyes to Colete, Robert and Joe and headed to the land of isolation...i was dropped off on the island and at first their was nothing....hmmmmmm and then as I hiked in a circle a few people were seen and bungalows were found. The beaches were even more beautiful but if you dont like solitude or if your single and you don't want to be around lovers on their honey moon then you may want a different place....:) All in all it was good to just have Jenna time.

Robert and Colete are on quite the journey and so they may be my first visitors in Taiwan, crossing my fingers....:) So, took the boat back to Ubud today and have plans to relax and hang with the Balanise family.

I finally bought the plane ticket to Taiwan and will be heading out from Bangkok on April we goooooooooooooooo...:) First I will shop till I drop in Bangkok so I have clothing in Taiwan.

Miss all of you very much and always thinking how thankful I am for such beautiful friends and family.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy New Year from Bali

Just got back from a beautiful island outside of Bali called Nusa Lombongan. The water was a turqoise clear blue and a very peaceful and quiet place to enjoy some relaxation. I traveled with mi amiga Janice and her friend Rachel and the famous Andrew yoga man...:) We had a lot of fun and shared a very nice and large room between the 4 of us. We got lucky with a huge deck that overlooked the ocean and a chance to practice some yoga together. One day Andrew, Janice and I practiced for quite a while and came up with a new style. However, the secret must be kept a secret and stay tuned for a video in the future...........:)

Nusa Lombongan is a very quiet place so there is not much going on and you can see the whole island on a scooter in about an hour or two depending on stops along the way. So, I finally had an experience of riding a scooter and I must say, I'm a scooter pro!!!!! :) Getting prepared to enter the life of Taiwan and traveling via scoot scoot....:) The trip around the island was beautiful and we finally found the perfect spot with crashing waves against rocky cliffs. Very powerful!

We came back to Ubud yesterday and I had plans to leave on Saturday for Gili Meno (Gili islands near Lombok) but the ATM ate my debit card (my world to money etc...) and yes I did say ATE my debit card. Can you imagine the look on my face, HA!!! and it spit out a piece of paper that said, "hot / captured"...........hmmmmmmmm I have never thought of myself as hot and captured (well maybe)...:) and so the process of freaking out started to arise in my soul. Breath Jenna Breath....:) Anyway, after running around Ubud for 3 hrs trying to figure it all out and feeling as if I was going to pass out from the heat it all come to a successful end. I won't be leaving Ubud until next week....:( but it's not a bad place to be so I will wait for my new card. Meanwhile I'm begging for food on the streets ...just kidding Dad!!!! I'm fine! I have dear friends to help me out until the dinero comes.

Today is the Bali New Years so once again I'm enjoying culture at it's finest and taking a lot of pictures. I know I the pictures. Tomorrow will be a day of silence which will be nice. I plan to meditate, do yoga, read and just sip on a Balinese beer or two. Life is good!

Sending you all a Happy New Year from Bali and lot's of incense....:)


Friday, March 20, 2009

Bali Update

I have been neglecting my poor blog....:(...Bali has been great and I have found myself in the zone of Ubud ever since I have arrived. It's a great little town. Busy but not in a frustrating way and if you rent a bike (push bike) you can avoid the Balinese typical "do you want a ride?" "What is your name?" Where are you from, are you traveling alone........YES, I'm alone...Yes, I'm single. Bali has reminded me many times a day that yes in deed I am a single woman traveling alone.....:) I'm ok with this.....:) I can't wait till the day I find a gooooooooooooooooooooood traveling companion though....:) come on Universe! OK.

The celebration that I spoke of in my earlier e-mail (Good energy vs Bad energy) was great. It was fun to walk around and see all the ceremonies happening, woman with all kinds of beautiful things balanced on their heads, beautiful clothing, an abundance of yummy fruit everywhere, music, children dressed up like "Barans" (dragons, lions, maybe both creatures mixed???) and people playing instruments in the streets. I also went to the Monkey Forest where all the monkeys hang out...They are everywhere! I have never been so close to so many of them and just the way they move, look, eat, so human like. There were many new babies and so adorable as they tried to learn the monkey way.

My House Stay (where my abode is) so kindly gave me a sarang wrapped it around me and dressed me properly to enter some temples. I have some great pictures of all of this so hopefully I will find time to post them soon.

I love my House Stay. They are a great family and I feel very at home. I have made friends with a man named William from Australia, a woman named Max wholives here 6 months out of the year and Sally who is actually from Colorado and knows a couple people I know........are you ready Colorado friends....Ruben and Sue of course........SMALL WORLD!!!!! Tonight we are all going to see a musician that Max knows of and enjoy some Balinese culture at it's finest. Believe it or not, I have only had one Balinese beer and one typical Balinese drink since I have been here so tonight I may cut loose....:)Whoohoo!

Tomorrow I head for an island called Nusa Lombongan for a few days and then return to Ubud on the 24th to celebrate the Balinese New Year for a couple days. On the 2nd day they celebrate with a day of silence. So, no cars, no planes, nothing is open and you must stay in your compound. A day of silence and meditation. Wild eh? but goooooooooooooooooooood! On the 28th I will be headed to Lombok and the Gili Islands and traveling solo once again....:)

Sending you all love from Bali!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ketute Leir the palm reader and Good Energy vs Bad Energy

This will be a short update in the Ubud Bali world. Still in Ubud and enjoying the locals and culture. Everyone is very busy getting ready for the big Holiday on Wednesday that I spoke about previously. Basically Good Energy God vs the Bad Energy God. I'm really excited to just walk around and take in all the ceremonies. Hopefully I will have some good photos to show. Still staying at the same abode and loving it. Everyday I wake up to a beautiful breakfast and the scent of incense on my porch. The large cockroach living in my bathroom I could do without but he doesn't bother me so I will just leave him be.....:) and I mean LARGE!!!!

I did a wonderful yoga workshop yesterday and ironically Mr. Love Machine is now in Bali (past yoga instructor). I have made friends with a woman from Vensuala (spelling?) named Paula and it's nice to share time with someone again. She has a very interesting career and has lived all over the world so I enjoy hearing her stories and maybe suggestions...:) We were on the same path when I meet her. I still continue to go to see Wayan (Woman Healer from Eat, Pray Love) everyday along with all the great friends who work with her. I'm very gravitated to her as a person and Nyuman the young Balinese man (20) is fun to laugh with. He has a crush on me but I keep telling him there is a huge age difference and we just laugh...all kidding around. Today Wayan is having a big party with a magazine so I took her a blessing present for the day. Anyway, back to meeting Paula. Paula came into Wayan's clinic and we started talking and of course she was there because of the book.....:) but she is more hesitant than I. Yesterday we rented bikes and went to see the famous Ketut Leir (Medicine man and palm reader) and he was exactly where he was supposed to be. On his porch and smiling with no teeth....:) What an experience that was. I can't tell you what he said because I would rather see if it actually comes true but he did know a couple things about both of us that were unique and made you go...hmmmmmmmmmm He was a very gentle and funny old man. His eyebrows were amazing too.........those things were like flying daggers :). He loves to learn English and so I taught him the word Awsome...:) he kept saying you are awsome and would hold his thumbs up. Paula and I got many pictures with Ketut so I will share very soon. You could tell he was a very wise old man and could read people well. He would start off with the reading by telling you that he will tell the bad and the good but luckily I had mostly good. He did say that I have been born 3 times which I thought was interesting but that is all I can say....:)

All in all what can I say a day with the Yoga Love Machine and the famous Ketut Leir palm is good!!!

love from Bali

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Bali Bliss

Well...............................The Bali Bliss...need I say more? Of course I will to hopefully to take you all there with a few words and stories if possible. If you have been here then you will smile at the memories and the scent of incense as it follows you everywhere in Bali along with the smiles of the people.

Getting here was a flawless trip from Bangkok..........there wasn't any chasing trains or missing trains. I did have to spend the night in the airport since I got in Bangkok at midnight and my check in time was 5:00am. I didn't feel the need to explore KoSan road any further.....:) My yoga mat came in handy while trying to find the perfect bench to sleep on. When it was finally morning it was time to start the next journey. At this point I was still a little hesitant with whether or not I should have stuck to my Laos plans but NOW I'm completely sure the universe has sent me on the right path.....:)

And so yesterday, I landed at 11:30am to bargin with a taxi driver so I could come straight to Ubud. I'm trying to stay out of crazy Kuta (popular surf destination) and head to the places with more culture and less backpackers. Ubud is def. a backpacking destination but a diff. kind of backpacking destination in my eyes. I do plan to head to the ocean and take some surf lessons but maybe in Lombok or Lovina possibly near Bali...who knows, I didn't know I was coming to Bali until 4 days ago so anything could happen at this point. I will let the wind do it's magic.

Ubud is a very artsy little town full of coble streets, mottor bikes of course, beautiful jewelry / clothing, little guesthouses owned my families, woman carrying amazing stuff on their heads (bricks, clothing, baskets, food, etc...) and everyone doing ceremonies all day long with their bananna leaf bowls and beautiful flowers as they burn incense and make prayers. It's beautiful!!!!!!! The people are nothing but smiles and everyone wants to know where you are going, what you are doing, what is your name, where are you from, what are you doing tomorrow (I ask them what they are doing tomorrow sometimes and then we both just laugh...tomorrow...too far ahead for me to even think). The taxi drivers which drive motorbikes are very funny......I have already had many conversations with them and found myself on the side of the street singing "Hotel California" with one. He thinks I'm a musician now..........hmmmmmm I kinda like that. One taxi driver I talk to quite a bit as I pass him by quite often will be taking me to a river with Holly Water and you are actually allowed to swim in it?????? Seems strange but nice (swimming in Holly water).

Some of you woman know I just completed the book Eat, Pray, Love while in Thailand....Well, I read it backwards starting with Bali and that is just one of the reasons I decided to come. So, as silly as it may seem I came to find the Medicine woman, Wayan and the Palm Reader Kutut...and guess what!!! I found Wayan on my first day in Bali. I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast but next thing I knew she was blessing me and doing crazy medicine woman stuff to me. So, for the next 4 hours I experienced one of the most powerful life experiences.......:) She had me drinking all kinds of juices, teas that tasted god awful, chewing and eating terrible leafs, taking herbal pills and so much more. She has 3 young little healers to help her prepare and bath my body. I had more people see my naked body all at once then ever imagined and they were all bathing me. They use the Beetle Leaf to scrub everywhere and then take a salt ginger to scrub even was amazing and my skin feels great today!!!!! Everything was feeling great until I saw a knife ...yes, a knife.....My eyes showed fear as I made humor out of it and Wayan would laugh. She thought I was quite funny which helped us bond a little outside of her Medicine Woman world. Well, I'm sure some of you are wondering why the knife....yes..why the knife..well, she was getting ready to cut off a wart (I know an ugly wart....:)) off my finger. Hmmmmmmm OK, sure whatever you want to try Wayan. And so with a little pain and massage while she was cutting the wart I screamed, moaned and laughed. After the knife she would rub garlic and hot lime skin on the finger along with using beetle needles to give a type of shot I guess??????? While enduring the pain, the young Bali boys gave me one of the best massages I have ever had. One was only 14 and his family can't afford to send him to school so he learns from Wayan the medicine ways. After my treatment was completed she gives me everything she has used to keep using it everyday for quite a while. Today was my first day and it takes a while so it's a ceremony in itself. Oh yeah, I have to wear these huge leaves on my belly everyday for 3 hrs. Wayan makes you a wonderful snack after the treatment and it's all organic. Everything on the plate is for something (heart, liver, stress, etc...) and it's delicious!!!!!!!

My bungalow is called Gardna's House and it's amazing. It's in this little compound with a family (Gardna's family) and they are so amazinly sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet..I feel part of the family already. It's $90,000 to stay which is 9 dollars (maybe a little under) but that includes a beautiful breakfast and hot tea all day long. I have a huge porch which I love and my ghecko friends to keep me company. Gardna and her family are busy making a lot of bannanna leaf ceremony items because on Wed. I will be lucky enough to experience a celebration called, Galungan Nyepi which is something about the good fighting the evil in their culture. It's supposed to be amazing and I will be emersed in the culture........loving it like chocolate!!!! Oh yeah...Wayan said no chocolate for a while and I just smiled and she laughed. I told Gardna that one day I will help her make the bananna leaf bowls if she would teach me so I'm looking forward to that as well.

OK, so much to write but all in all Jenna has found one of her favorite destiniations and would encourage anyone to take the Bali journey (maybe stay out of the young backpacker places but that is me....:)).

Lot's of Bali love and smiles to you all!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Pai epidemic and fun getting lost!

WOW!!!!! So, I have been insanely sick for the past couple days but the first 8 hrs were a complete cleanse....:)Need I say more. It hit me like a night train ...:) hmmmm does that make sense..sure! Eleze and I started the day off with some yoga and then an adventurous scooter ride out in the country to find THE waterfall. We took the wrong turn (which is great!!!!)and stumbled upon a Chinese village out in the middle of no was great!!! My favorite part of traveling, getting lost and diving in the culture with a little village in the middle of no where. The village people (and not YMCA style) loved us...we laughed ...they laughed....we laughed some more....they laughed some more etc....what more could you ask for. We finally found what we thought was the road but it was a big dirt incline..................hmmmmm NO WAY would Elenza be scooting me up that on a scooter.................................:) A dirt bike, yes! So off the scooter and up the trail we go as Elenza hikes in her black heals...hmmmm As we get to the top there are other tourists that seem to be confused or perhaps lost, yes LOST!!!! So, we all go back down the hill and some scooter warriors have made it to the top and slide their way down as we cheer them on. We finally find the correct road to the famous waterfall and so excited to see the scenic view.................:) Well, let me say, the ride getting lost was much more enjoyable then the almost empty waterfall hahahahahha!

So then went to dinner at a friends house and all of a sudden I started feeling a bit "green" and that is when darkness took over my body..........I had several conversations with the bathroom for the next several hours and felt like a bug in a spiders web that had been sucked dry. Elenza finally made her way over the next morning and got hit with the same thing but a little bit latter the crazy girl still took the bus back to Chiang Mai. I'm starting to find out that several backpackers have been hit with the same bug in just the past few days and so that is why it's the Pai epedemic.....:)Glad it's over and leaving Pai tomorrow to head back to Chiang Mai. I "think" my plans have changed to going to Bali and finding a Medicine Man and healer in Ubud......we will see....:)

Here is a little insight on traveling alone in the backpacking world and I know some of you already know of this. So, I'm a pretty social person and can chat to almost anyone (can be scarey at times) but I find myself going thru phases while backpacking alone and I would suggest trying the whole alone thing, HA!. David (friend from Australia)and I call it the Lone Wolf "Boooarrrrr" or David calls it.........It's where, for some reason you can't seem to be social or you go a few days without talking to start to feel a little like a "looser"...:) but the longer you go the more intense you get and then POW you find a human that wants to be your friend again..........phew!!!!! Sometimes the Lone Wolf can last for one day, two days or a brutal 4 days.............Yes, this is me the past few days...well, all of 2 days...;) However tonight I meet the sweetest little girl named Neim (not sure if that is correct) and i would say she was 4. We were very gravitated towards eachother and she saved me in the Lone Wolf world. We made up card games together, danced and sang even though neither one of us knew what we were saying and then decided to play blocks. She was adorable and had 6 pony tails in her long black hair. Anyway, she made my night and relieved my Lone Wolf sickness....: Thankful for Neim!

xoxoxoxox to you All!

Jenna's New Life in Taiwan

So, I thought this was the best way to explain my next career adventure in the world of teaching English. My lovely and amazing friend Jess Jones (not to be confused with the Jess below...however I'm sure she is amazing and beautiful as well but haven't meet her yet....) introduced me to a traveling friend Kevin via facebook (thank God for facebook, HA!)who works in Taiwan teaching and he sent me to Jess below for a "possible" job. I think once again, I'm having another lucky connection on this journey because Jess is handing over her life of 2 years. She teaches at a few different places, various times and has the opportunity to teach both adults and kids...........sounds pretty good to me ...phew!!!! Jess and I have exchanged several e-mails and she has had an amazing experience with all the situations below including living and working in Taiwan. I will probably be taking over her apartment as well. So, starting mid April I will land my wings and shadow her for a week or so to get the swing of things and learn how to drive a scooter like a professional....:) The scooter is my only way of transportation...Yeeha!

HI Jenna,

So I would love for you to come to Taiwan and take over my life. I think i have a pretty great opprotunity for you! I have been able to create a schedule where I am able to make a good salary and have lots of free time.

My first job, is IVLC. International VIllage Learning Center. This is where I teach adults. It is fantastic! It's basically a cultural exchange conversations. I teach all one basic class and the rest are intermediate and advanced students. I get my ARC through them and I negotiatied for a 9 month contract. Ruby, my supervisor is a good lady, though she will try to get you to sign a year, but if you don't want a year, i think you can get 9 months. On Mondays and Wednesdays I work at IVLC in Yuanlin from 6:40 PM - 9:30 PM. ON Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work in Changhua from 630 PM to 940 PM. Changhua is a 25 min scooter ride from Yuanlin where I live. IT is not a bad drive and they give you mileage money in your pay. I also work at IVLC on Saturdays, from 1010-1130. But if you don't want to work it, I am sure you don't have too. I do just for the extra money. This job is fantastic! I love my students and they become your very good freinds! The best job in taiwan.

I also work a kindergartne every morning from about 930-1130 everyday, it's not a bad job, the kids are nice and the pay is good $700 per hour.

I also work on Saturdays in a bushiban from 2-6. THis is really good money for what you do . The job is super easy and it is $700 as well. It is in yongjing 10 mins from yuanlin. I also work at a FANTASTIC bushiban in shewho, which is farther away , but the kids are great and the boss is awesome! I gross about $60,000 NT from all of these jobs. You can pick and choose what you would like of mine. It is easiest to be located in Yuanlin, since it is in the middle of all the little towns i go to. Nothing is too far in taiwan though, as you may discover.

What were you doing in CO? What part? My brother has been living there for the past 13 years as well either in Crested Butte or Colorado Springs.

ALl of my bosses would love to have you take over my position. THey keep asking me if I have found anyone yet. YOu would not be disappointed with this, I gurarenttee it!

The only contract I have is with IVLC. All the other schools I get paid in cash and no contract or taxes. It's pretty easy to find a place to stay here and rent is reasonable. about 4000 NT a month. My roomate will be moving out in July and we have a great apt. I am leaving May 4 and my last day of work will be April 31st. when will you be in taiwan?

I am leaving because I have been in taiwan for two years and i am ready to go home to live a normal life. Tiawan has been the experience of a lifetime and i am so happy I came here to do this, but i am ready to go home, eat american food and see my family! English teaching is not my career so I want to get started on the other aspects of my life.

Yuanlin is a great town! I really do love it and will miss it dearly. It's easy to get out of town and into the mountains and see lots of taiwan. The foreigner crowd here is nice as well. Especially since you are freinds with Kevin he will be able to take you to amazing places!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you, just busy. Please let me know what you think and if you have any other questions. I would love to answer them for you! Take care!


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Peace, Love and Hope,


"Proactive people make love a verb. Love is something you do: sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like a mother bringing a newborn into the world. If you want to study love, study those who sacrifice for others, even for people who offend or do not love in return." - Steven Covey

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pai and Elephants

Well, my traveling time in Thailand is coming to an end in the little mountain town of Pai. It's nice here except for the fact that the farmers are still burning there crops and it's very smokey / hazie (spelling???). Not many blue skys but friendly faces, backpackers, green mountains and yummy food all around. I came with my friend Elenza but will be on my own (solo Jenna) again starting tomorrow. I'm ready to be a solo butterfly again and have my wings take me wherever...................:)but have enjoyed my time with my new lovely friends.

I found a quiet and cute little bungalow. It has the perfect little deck with windchimes, a hammock to enjoy mid afternoon naps and reading, a bamboo interior, a bathroom sink made out of a tin bowl that is a little Wabbie Sabbie (spelling and meaning is not perfect which I live...:)) and a pet Gheko to sing me asleep at night. It's really hot here but the nights are a lot like the mountains in Colorado which I love.................I'm actually using my blanket and wakeing up with a chill. Across the street is an artsy fartsy little cafe that does wheat grass shots and wonderful chai tea. I love the interior of the cafe with swinging chairs made out of wood, carved tables out of trees, wheat grass all around you and old books to fill the shelves. Oh and yes you are surrounded by wonderful teas, YUM!

Yesterday Elenza, Lauryn and I treated ourselves to an amazing life experience, the elephant named "Joy". WOW........................I'm not quite sure how to take you all there with words but I will give it a go. There are a few elephant camps in Pai but finding the one that was a true fit and a camp that really treated there elephants with love and care was important! I have come across an older man named Peter at the wheat grass cafe and happened to ask if he knew where to go. Once again, I love how people can flow into your life at the perfect moment or for a reason......I had a funny feeling he would direct us on the elephant path....:) So, a woman name "Chitty" and her gardens is what he spoke of and then he talked about "Joy" the elephant. So away we go ................the 3 "farangs" on the scooter driving off in to the mountains to find Chitty and Joy the elephant. We take the curvy roads and finally find the peaceful gardens, Chitty and Joy.................everything seems gooooooooood and we are all both excited and nervous to start our journey of riding on Joy and trusting that we will stay on top rather than falling to the ground...:) I mean elephants are insanely large creatures..............nothing like a horse.....:) There was NOT a basket on top to sit in or a chair, it was bareback on a blanket holding on the enormous ears or holding onto a rope and off we went. The ride and "play time" was for an hour because Joy had already taken 2 other groups. Chitty will only allow her to go our 3-4 hrs a day to keep her healthy and safe which I love. So.......................after going down the trail and Joy trying to eat large leaves off the bananna trees or anything else that looked good she slowly walked into the river..................hmmmmmmmm what is going to happen next................Holly Shitake!!!!!! Joy sits down in the water and please note we are still high off the ground / water. She dips her grand trunk into the water and lifts it up in air to spraty cold river water all over us, we are soaked. Then, she starts to rock back and fourth as we hold on for dear life and then throws all of us off into the river..................oh my god!!!!! What else can I really say. Joy loved the river and she loved playing with us. We would all attempt to climb back on determined to hold on and not fall off again but she was determined with a grin (I know) to throw us back off. This went on for at least 1/2 hour and it was a different kind of cardio workout but one I would highly suggest. You can look in these creatures eyes with their long eye lashes and see such gentle souls...truly!!!! I am happy to report she is a happy elephant and is loved very much by Chitty.

I hope many of you (I know some of you have) will have the chance to embrace the elephant with this kind of experience and if not, I hope I took you there for a while.

Elephants and love!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Almost on my waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Some of you already know I have sucessfully completed the TEFEL course. Thursday was the last day and we celebrated the night away. Actually a little too much celebration and so Friday we had a "pool party"....when is the last time you have been to a pool party???? and to have a pool party in Thailand, seems a bit strange but gooooood!

The past two days I have endulged in 8 hours of yoga and I'm feeling even better. Once again, "Andrew" did a workshop this weekend and today was an amazing workshop that challenged our bodies to the fullest. I have really reached a new level with my yoga and I'm excited to find a good studio in Taiwan once I land my wings. I'm hoping to get some kind of yoga teaching certification while living in Asia since it will be cheaper than the US.

So, I will be in Chaing Mai 2 more days and will then be off for the next adventure. Tonight I will enjoy the night market and dive into some yummy food and maybe treat myself to a few Thailand gifts...:)

Hugs and Love!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Elephants and the Last Week of TEFL

This will be a qucik one to sum up the past two weeks. Once I start traveling again (the Gypsy life) :) I will start writing more interesting stories (hopefully). So, this is the last week of the emphamis TEFL course. Kind of a bitter sweet end. I have made a couple great friends and everyone has been great overall in the class including the trainers. Last week I taught four lessons and it was a hectic week. I did get all ones (highest score) and had a great time teaching all classes. It was a challenge to do a partner lesson (with someone else) because you are so used to YOUR way (so is life at times, eh?) but it was good. We had our big exam yesterday and studied until my brain felt like dried fruit (hmmmm???? is that what I mean, yes :)). I got a 85% which I was content with. Going back to all the rules of grammar is not an easy task but it's interesting to take yourself back. So, I should be able to walk away with an A in the class. Thursday night is our dinner celebration and then many of us will be going out in the big city to celebrate a little more......;)

I will be doing a yoga seminar all weekend with Andrew (spoke about him in another blog, "The Love Machine" yogi) and looking forward to that and then off to Pai to relax and enjoy traveling as a backpacker again. I will be headed to Laos after that for a couple weeks and then blowing wherever the wind shall take me.

Lastnight, I went to a beautiful vegetarian restaruant with my friend Elenza and another friend who is doing massage school. Elenza taxi'ed (spelling???) all the way back home on her was quite the site me on the back sitting on a "LITTLE" seat while she peddled away. On our way back (in the city, might I add) we came upon an Elephant named Sandy........................hmmmmmmmm All I saw was this gigantic elephant butt in front of us and I said "PULLLLLLLLLLLLL over"....:) It was sad though because Sandy the elephant was with her owner making money for HIM............I could see in her eyes she was not where she wanted to be and I'm sure you can all imagine and finish the story from there.

So, that is it for now. More when I start backpacking again.

Loves to ya all!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Typical Jenna Day in Asia School World

Jenna's typical school day. A lot of people want to imagine what happens in the Jenna world of going to school in Thailand. Ok, here you go. Jenna has a cozy little place near the campus so, it's not in the old cute part of Chiang Mai but the hip world of college students...:) There is a busy road named Sutaupe and it is full of people, stores, street vendors, dogs, students everywhere, taxi trucks and a million motorbikes. If I lived here I would invest in either a bike or a scooter myself and pray that I don't end my life on a scooter. Like I said most people transport their WHOLE family including dogs on the's simply amazing and entertaining.

Usually around 1:00am without a doubt actually the neighbor hood dogs will start a howling contest. I usually give it a couple minutes and then they stop. I usually sleep fairly well because I'm so exhausted from school, homework, planning lessons etc...However at exactly 4:30am my 1st wake up call is echoed ...........THE ROOSTER! Same rooster I assume and then that wake up call is followed by amazing bird calls that are new to me....:) My room has a beautiful view of the mountain so getting up on going out on my deck early in the morning is a moment of bliss. A good way to start the day. If I'm feeling really motivated I will go for a run around campus. I usually stop at a little vendor coffee stand and either get a yummy creamy green tea or coffee. The green tea late's here are soooooo good and they cost less than a dollar.......goodbye starbucks ...hello Thailand and greentea!!!!!! And then a 20min walk to school...:)

The past two days I have had lessons ....the REAL thing. The observers gave me 2 perfect ones both days....:) they say I'm a natural..:)????? Actually today was really good. I didn't feel like a robot, I felt good and natural with the kids. I had elementary kids and they loved the lesson. I actually taught them words, yeah!!!!! It's a new feeling and good feeling to know you are actually getting thru to the little ones. They were soooooooooooooooo adorable and they wanted to carry my stuff for me when class ended. I think that it has lead me in the direction of teaching elementary kids.

AFer a long day at school I look forward to walking home and talking to my favorite fruit stand man. He teaches me words in Thai and then I forget the next day and he teaches me again....:) We smile a lot at eachother and that is pretty much our relationship....simple and short...HA

Oh gosh, gotta go...more later.

love to you all!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Love Machine and Yoga

So yesterday was Friday the 13th and ironically today is Valentines Day. What a contrast eh? I also know a very amazing and spectacular woman who's celebration of birth is today (Birthday)....Happy Birthday to you my friend!!!!! :)

I used to be somewhat of a Grinch on Valentines Day / Love day. However, that is no longer the case. I love Valentines Day! It's such a day to remind us that love is so important and to vibrate that feeling out in the world. It's about expanding your love with family, friends and significant others. Really Valentines Day should be thought of every day.....I mean, when you really think about life and what truly matters what is the one vibration that we all want to give and recieve??..............Yes, love, love love!!!!!! So many people in this world have fear, shame, etc....but when we realize we are so loved unconditionally and can give that back to someone then, that is when we feel the true vibration of life.

I took an amazing yoga class in Chiang Mai lastnight and it really started the celebration of Valentines Day off with a POW!!!! It was a 2 1/2 hour class with a man named Andrew who not only inspired all of us thru his dialog throughout class (quoting him in some of this e-mail...can't take all the credit)but is an amazing yogi!!!! Ironically once again while traveling, I found out his significant other is a very well known yogi in the US and I had the experience of doing a workshop with her in the US. The yoga class was at a studio / spa called Wild Rose Sauna. The owners name is Rose and is an amazing woman with such great energy. follow the yoga was a Love Scrub made with sea salt, natural essense oils, cloves and other herbs that you applied to your skin. You would go into the sauna and let the "Love Scrub" drip off your body. After sitting in the sauna for quite some time and trying not to pass out you then applied a green tea / tea tree facial on your face. I don't think my skin has ever felt so soft!!!!!!!! Shared this experience with my friends Elenza and Lauryn from class. After a long week at school and a way to start the Love celebration weekend it was a PERFECT start!

Oh by the way Andrew the yoga instructor referred to all of us as "Love Machines" and to never take love and life for granted, life is precious and life is short, SO............. breath in the love for yourself and others and project it outward.

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day and may you all show your "Love Machines"!!!!!!!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Future Elephant Friends and Grammar

Ok, starting to get used to the Asian culture. I'm so used to the Spanish culture with traveling that I think internally I was having a bit of "culture shock". Asia is very different and when you don't know the language at all it can really be interesting. There are parts of Chiang Mai where everyone speaks English but I happen to be in the part of town that most restaurants don't have menus in English and nor does anyone speak English (I'm sure they do but they choose not to). All the internet cafes are full of students obsessed with playing video games 24/7....I mean there are HUGE internet cafes here with recliner chairs (orange and blue) and they are all's amazing!!!!!! So, calling from one of these internet cafes can be somewhat annoying with the cheering going on in the background but funny.

School has been this week nothing but kraming everything you ever wanted to know about grammar and quite possibly, a lot of stuff you don't care to know or understand. Our brains were like melted butter at the end of the day but trying to stay focused because 40% of our grade is the test on grammer.................hmmmmm Good thing I'm so good at taking tests...HA! However today we did nothing but play games, fun learning activities or ideas for being a teacher our poor little brains had a break. Next week we will teach a total of 4 classes each. Next week they consider the hell week because learning each model of teaching and then preparing a lesson means you won't have much sleep next week.

I did find a great yoga studio finally which gave me relief. It's called the Wild Rose Sauna. It's a cute and peaceful little abode and ironically I knew the girl teaching when I went (small world eh?). Tomorrow I will do a 2 hour class followed by applying an herb paste / mud aroma thing all over and then sitting in a sauna with all the other yogis.....looking forward to it! I may also try to hang out with some elephants this weekend. I will let you know how that goes.

Just found out that all Asian schools are on break starting March 1st until May 1st....hmmm wasn't anticipating that one but somehow it will all work out. It is the best time to find a better job in the whole "teaching English abraod" but I will have to stretch my funds for a while or teach private lessons (which is illegal but everyone does it). I also found out that there is a new rule with teaching in Korea. You have to fly all the way back to your country to get a working visa....hmmm wasn't planning that one either. Supposidly they will pay for both ways but it may send me to Taiwan or Vietnam. Time will tell. :)

I am planning to travel for a couple more weeks before I fly to a possible destination of teaching after school. I will probably go to Laos for a bit and maybe head south again in Thailand to a couple more beach spots. If I'm good with my budget I should be fine, it's really cheap.

This blog wasn't too exciting but just giving some basic info....:) Maybe I will have a grand elephant story for next week. I hope so :).

Elepants and Grammar


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sent home from school and yummy orange juice!

So, I have completed my first week of school. I have different thoughts on all of it but all in all, it's a good thing. I will have to play the game in order to get the TEFL certificate. They are really strict on the whole dressing thing which I'm not fond of but will mold myself into what they want for now. I was sent home the first day of school...HA! because I wasn't dressed like a "banker". I came back and still was denied....weird eh? So, I went shopping and bought the most terrible outfit to satisfy their "banker" needs.....All the girls went to the market and lauhed the whole way thru while purchasing items we would NEVER purchase in real life. Since my whole outfit cost maybe $8.00 I will just gift it away at the end with relief. The course itself is pretty demanding but it will be a lot of help once we are all out in the teacher world. I really can't imagine going out there and just doing it or accepting a job that wasn't that great just because you didn't have the certificate. With the certificate and degree you are able to get more of a respected and interesting job so, it's worth it for me. I'm not sure if the whole teaching thing is for me but perhaps it will lead me on another path. Really you can live anywhere in the world and apply for any career path, time will tell. :)

Went to my first Asian dance club. We were the only "franes / frangs (what they call white people)" in the club. It's strange, there was good dance music but they really don't dance. They kind of just stand there and bop up and down. So, of course I was dancing and my crazy friend Elenza. I don't think the Asian woman were to fond of us but the Asian men were quite entertained. I tried to encourage some of the Asian woman to join but they looked at me as if I were CRAZY!!!! And well, I am a little crazy....;)

This weekend was the flower festival so there was a lot going on. The floats were beautiful and the flowers amazing. A lot of people dressed in traditional costumes, singers, musical instruments, crazy stuff going on and unbelievable yummy food. Tonight was the night market as well and I ate so much food for only $2.00. I had pad thai wrapped in an omelet, a potatoe / tofu vegetable "thing" and grilled banannas dipped in cocunut milk................yum!

Chiang Mai is great but the pollution here is terrible....and it's hard to get away from it. However, you can find little streets with great cafe's and mellow atmospheres away from the traffic. I tend to hide in these little spots for Jenna time and just to get away from the city life. Found a great Chinese medicine man and still trying to find a yoga place to satisfy my yoga soul.

More later. Must go to homework to prepare for the 2nd week....:)

Oh yeah....the fresh squeezed orange juice.............the BEST orange juice EVER!!!!!!

love and juice to you all!